
Thursday, June 27, 2013

The Glass is Always Full if you pay the Water Bill 6/27

My reading of Be Cool the Pizza Delivery Dude influenced the following insight to one of what I feel is life's misconstrued outlooks. 

The Glass is always full if you pay the water bill; 

 You often hear this annoying optimist/pessimist argument regarding to someone’s outlook in life. I have to say, how can you see it that way? Life is pure chance until the day you're told to wake up and realize you are all you have to make your decisions. This normally occurs in adolescence. For some of us a lot earlier than that, even so some of them still don't get the hint.

Pay your bills. It’s not that hard. Willpower is something my grandfather taught me at a young age. No matter how much he tempted me not to eat the candy mint in my pocket, I still hid behind the shed and ate it… leaving me with no mint for after dinner. My lesson? Because I couldn’t wait, I had nothing to enjoy later. As a young man I was blessed with a large sum of money. I spent it, every dime. There have been hundreds of times afterwards where I have thought to myself, if only I had invested it instead of buying that car or stereo set. Life at that point seemed like the glass was half empty.

Are you following me yet? 

Be on time. The countless times I have shot myself in the foot for not being on time for opportunities. A dollar short and a day late some say. Is this pure luck or just chance? Nope, wrong again. I was late because my lazy self wanted to lie in bed. Therefore losing out on the opportunity to be better at something or earn a better position. The jobs I have lost! 

Open your ears and shut your mouth. Seriously, I cannot count the times my mouth has gotten me in trouble. Talking too much in a situation, where if I had just kept my mouth shut, I wouldn’t have caused so much trouble for myself. 

Still not following me? 

Look at it this way, life is what YOU make of it. The glass is never half full if you keep opening your mouth when you know you shouldn’t, spend money you don’t really have, or frequently run late, setting yourself up for failure. The moral to this whole thing is that you shouldn’t blame the cosmic way of a glass being half full or empty. Just pay your water bill and refill the glass when you drink the top half. The argument makes no sense if you’re the only person who controls your actions.

In my life I have also held many jobs like Sarah Adams. Most of the time I would lose one, or quit. I would say to myself all the time, "this job doesn't pay enough", "I do not feel fulfilled or successful in my job", or "I am not a man because I don't work hard enough". I too carried the thought that the glass was half empty until one day I realized that my glass was only "half empty" because I chose to do nothing about it. 

I'm married now, have three kids, where clean clothes to work and home. I am getting an education from a college. I have a wife who has dinner ready, always bakes good stuff. I have a support system and three stinky, fun loving dogs. There are things to eat and drink in my fridge and a roof over my head. Its all here because I wanted it. I waited for it and made it all happen. I paid the freaking water bill. No one else did it for me.

I say to those who argue about the glass being half empty. Pay your water bill, and you shall never go thirsty again.. 


1 comment:

Unknown said...

This is great! Although it messes up my whole way of thinking, well, broadens it anyways. I have always had the response to the question, Is the glass half empty or half full, has been, "Why can't we just be happy we have a glass?"