
Sunday, June 16, 2013

You are not perfect, you are yourself - Jung Typology


Introvert(33%)  iNtuitive(50%)  Thinking(12%)  Judging(56%)
  • You have moderate preference of Introversion over Extraversion (33%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
  • You have slight preference of Thinking over Feeling (12%)
  • You have moderate preference of Judging over Perceiving (56%)

Famous Personalities Sharing My Type

  • Stephen Hawking, a theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author
  • Andrew Grove, a businessman, engineer, and author
  • Marie Curie, a physicist and chemist famous for her pioneering research on radioactivity
  • Guy Kawasaki, a venture capitalist, bestselling author, and Apple Fellow
  • Igor Sikorsky, a pioneer of aviation
  • Hillary Clinton, the 67th US Secretary of State

My reflection of my test results leave me fairly pleased. I am excited to see how my writing turns out in the next few years. There were some things to discuss about the indicators from Jung's personality test.

Introversion- I love working alone on projects. I can formulate my own ideas, create my own processes and if it is successful or unsuccessful I am the one to blame. It is however hard sometimes when I feel like I may have missed a step in a project and I need to ask someone. I feel like I am less intelligent or wasn't paying attention. Group work sometimes gives me a bad feeling in my stomach. I feel that I can excel in writing by being introverted. Mostly because it is going to be my writing on the papers I turn in.

Intuition- My intuition plays a big role in who I am every day. I go by the pit of my stomach in a lot of things. This I believe will help me in my writing to be more creative in creating a message to my readers. I have always struggled in writing to explain certain situations without creating a long drawn out paper that bores my readers. I would like to be able to harness the energy from my intuition and write shorter, more interesting fact filled papers without having to use instances or explain three or four items of my hypothesis.

Thinking over feeling- I try to always think about things in life and why they happen. In my writing I like to think about what I am writing as I am writing it. How will the reader feel? Will I offend someone? Am I making sense? These are all questions that go through my head as I write. I feel that being able to think less, and write more with a free hand I can overcome this and be a better writer. Not necessarily being insensitive to my writers or not doing my assignments to format, but maybe a free flow may help me find what I was trying to say. I hit the backspace key a lot. In fact I have erased this entire assignment now four times.

Judging over Percieving- Its hard to make heads of tails of something. I find it easier to use my conclusions in my writing based upon the facts and what has actually happened. I like to look deeper into someone's thought process and base that purely upon my own deductions of the actions that have taken place. This has hurt many relationships for me in the past with friends and colleagues. Sometimes being right doesn't really mean you're successful. There are just something's you don't say or do. I have to be mindful in my writing trying to see the perception of the persons actions, or the authors reasons (author of a story I am writing about) rather than what I feel is really going on. By being able to see the perception of another person I will be a better writer, It helps me to find something I wouldn't otherwise find in writing if I just know what to look for instead of going for my own intuition. This was a hard trait to write on as far as comparing it to my writing. In my life, not so much. As a writer I struggled.

This assignment left me in a state of excitement and also thinking about what I can change. Is it a good thing to use judgment over perception? Is thinking better than feeling? What happened to follow your heart?

I really was surprised by the test results. I think knowing what I know now, I have an explanation as to why I tend to do things the way I do. Writing out of anger has been my biggest downfall in the past. It messes up my grammar, my writing repeats itself in run-off form and I don't make any sense. As for making sense, my writing has always suffered just because having so much going on when I write papers, I always find it hard to make a paper flow. I am getting better at it though.
I know that this test helps my personality and knowing a little bit more about myself, but I feel that only time will tell what I will learn from this class.
 I do not think this test defines my writing at this point. I feel that I have four things to look at when writing now. By making a note in my mind about these four personality traits I will be able to formulate better ideas based upon my personality and not have to try so hard to make something work in my own words. It will be best said if I just say it instead of thinking about it. Using my intuition I can go with whatever is in my heart and make it flow right onto the paper. My writing in college will not suffer. I will be a better writer. Practice may absolutely make perfect, but who wants to be perfect? I'd rather be myself first.

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