
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

I grew them from seed... 7/10

I start with 6 straw bales. Adding water and fertilizer each day. I am planning the base of something that will feed my family through winter. I cut the holes in the bales and then start adding seeds.

I started with a few blankets and a couple bottles, some diapers and stuff that makes babies laugh. I named them Alexis, Haley, Derek and Peyton.

More water.

The seeds in about a week or two start to poke their heads out and begin to take shape. I see the leaf form first that will always be at the top, starting to spread.

The kids are walking now, into everything. They're holding themselves up on the side of coffee tables and couches they make their way to me to so I can rock them to sleep.

More prayer.

The leaves now have started to sprout and have grown some height. The daily sun and water from my rain barrel keep them saturated, the humidity adds moisture too.

They're talking now, ABC's and 123's always a laugh at something. Happiness comes in diapers. Or maybe it just wears them.

More laughter.

The plant has now become a flower, yellow, green, and white. Soon I will have a fruit from my toil in this garden. I will certainly reap what I have sown and we will have food!

School. PTA, soccer, gymnastics and theater. My hopes are raising as they learn their ways in life and begin to bloom their little personalities.

More faith.

Finally! Our first tomato and four more blooms, yes! Yes! We will invite family! We will have a dinner and feed everyone!

They're dating. I cannot stand her boyfriend, and his girlfriend is such a little; well, I feel sorry for that poor boy, she is a wild one for sure, and I know he likes her a lot. As for her boyfriend I have every eye I know in town watching him. Who am I to say anything? They know everything now.

More patience.

Dinner is over and there are dishes in the sink. I go back out to water the plants, still more time for harvest in a few weeks. I'll sit and just see if they have any more oomph left in them.

So many trophies, and medals, certificates, boxes full of clothes and applications signed with checks attached to them. Dear Harvard, please don't let him stray... Dear Princeton, good luck. Cars are full of gas, and credit cards set with limits to cover what they need.

More money.

Time to harvest. Canned beets, tomatoes, salsa, and corn. The sunflower seeds drying in the oven along with a freshly marinated batch of jerky, just enough to have while we drive to see the kids at school.

They're coming home now, graduates! "Dad, they want me to go to Japan to fix their problem", "Daddy, me and the girls are going shopping for dresses, I can't believe he asked me to marry him!"

More time.

First snow has come, halfway through the salsa. Had a great dinner with wine traded off for three bushels of tomatoes. The hops came in nicely for the Christmas ale. Big reviews expected.

I wish they'd hurry up and get here, were ready to open presents. His wife is so beautiful and gracious, her husband is a gentleman and takes good care of her. Still, I wish they'd visit more often.

More memories.

They say its too hot outside this year to do anything. I can't seem to get this walker through the door anymore. The doctor says a few more months and I'll be out of the woods. That's good because it's time for another planting season.

They are home now and visiting more often. He's got a job in local politics and she's running a boutique down the road. They come to see me when they can. Its always nice to see the grand kids. Another generation rearing to grow.

More years.

The idea of planting this year totally came and left faster than the spring. I didn't get the seedlings in the ground like I planned. Too many trips to the doctor. Sleeping a lot more, I feel like its all I can do to stay awake and out of the hospital.

I think Ill go lay down and see what comes of things. Hopefully Ill feel better in a few more hours.

The kids are standing there and I can hear their whispers. I can't make out what they are saying but everyone seems to be sad. Its all of a sudden going dark....

More life.

Waking up this morning I realize that its only 9 a.m. and relieved that I need to get to work. I went to the garden and watered the plants. You see I am growing them from seed, and they need everything I can give them.

I spoke with Derek and Peyton this morning on my way to work. A six year old young man fantasizing about having a house boat and acting in the school play. A little 4 year old ballerina excited about playing house today and then going to dance class tonight. Not a single word about the future, school, husbands, wives, going away or living in another country. Right now I breathe a sigh of relief.

The way of my life depends upon everything I do. Loving and caring for them. Then just praying for more water, patience, faith, time, laughter, love, memories, and life.

This is of course, because I grow them from seed.


My La-La Land said...

LOVE!! I loved this post, so sweet and it really makes you think! Kids are a blessing and sometimes annoying :) But I wouldn't trade a second. I too have a garden and it is so exciting to eat things that you grow yourself!


Anonymous said...

A most wonderful post indeed. Thank you. I hope you keep your blog active for future students to read. ~Ms. A.